Colonial Soccer Club has set up a sponsorship with the folks at HundredX where we can earn money by providing survey feedback on how we feel about the brands we use everyday.
Anyone in the US (18 years or older) can sign up for the program by doing one of the following sign-up methods:
Here’s a video on how to take surveys. Be sure to take your time, be thoughtful, and don't rush through them. Also, only create one account per person. They have ways to detect fake answers and fake people, and the Club doesn't receive credit for those responses.
You can take up to 75 surveys over the next 30 days. They encourage limiting your answers to 10 a day to ensure quality and focus.
Things that you need to do when signing up:
- Click “Please share” if you want to be eligible for the raffle to win $150 off of registration (must complete 10 surveys to be eligible)
- Select “Colonial Soccer Club”
- Enter your player’s name
Questions? Reach out to Jim Jamison at [email protected].